“Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?’ And I said, ‘Here am I. Send me!”
— Isaiah 6:8 (NIV)
TIP CRM and Mapping: Each actionable TIP is added to a secure CRM and digital map accessible 24/7. See Tip Line Form.See Sample MapSmall acts create big waves!
Volunteer Deployment: Volunteers are deployed to TIP areas with kits to confirm details or gather additional information. They also raise awareness with local churches and organizations, encouraging community involvement. See Get Involved.See something, say something!
Action and Coordination: Search & Rescue Team Leader collaborates with law enforcement to launch the rescue operation. Here am I. Send me!
Ongoing Support: From rescue to recovery, Starfish Throwers and church partners provide prayers, emotional support, and encouragement for the child, volunteers, and community. See Statement of Faith.Unite hearts and bring hope!
Church Partner Engagement: Churches raise awareness, lead outreach efforts, and organize celebrations inspired by Luke 15:22-24. See Statement of Faith.
Ensuring the Child’s Safety: From rescue to recovery, Starfish Throwers collaborates with child protective services and the US Office of Refugee Resettlement - An Office of the Administration for Children & Families (“ORR”) to ensure the in the least restrictive setting that is in the best interest of the child and advocate for their well-being. Our volunteers work closely with agencies to help reunite the child with their family or find vetted and suitable temporary sponsors. More information about ORR can be found here: https://www.acf.hhs.gov/orr/fact-sheet/programs/uc/fact-sheetHope for the Lost, Safety for the Vulnerable!
Public Awareness: Currently, there are approximately 300,000 missing migrant children in the US. Now, there is tremendous support for companies, nonprofits and the public to assist in helping find and rescue these children. See Videos.
None of this is possible without your support. See Impact Donations. Thank you!