“Be a Starfish Thrower. Save one. It starts here!” “Be a Starfish Thrower. Save one. It starts here!” “Be a Starfish Thrower. Save one. It starts here!” Do you believe you have info to share about a missing child? * If you have seen the child please complete entire form. If you have NOT seen the child please proceed directly to "Describe TIP" and complete remainder of form. Yes No - Proceed to "Describe Tip" and complete remainder of form. If yes, please describe the child (e.g., clothing, hair color, body type, physical features, gender, demeanor): Was the sighting within the past 24 hours? Yes No What date did you see this child? Approximately MM DD YYYY What time did you see this child? Approximately Hour Minute Second AM PM Was the child alone? Yes No If no, please describe the person(s) with them (e.g., height, age, appearance, behavior): Did the child appear to be in distress or unsafe? Do not use this form to report an immediate threat to life. If you or the child requires emergency assistance and it is safe to do so, please contact 911. Yes No If yes, please explain what made you feel this way: Did you notice the child in a specific location (e.g., park, store, bus stop)? Yes No If yes, please specify the exact location or nearby landmarks: Did you observe the child entering or exiting a vehicle? Yes No If yes, please describe the vehicle (e.g., color, make, model, license plate): Did you attempt to interact with the child or their companion? Yes No If yes, please describe the interaction: Did you overhear any verbal communication? Yes No If yes, what did you hear? Was any evidence left behind? Yes No If yes, please describe (e.g., clothing, bookbag, trash, tire tracks): Describe TIP: * Where did you last see the child or suspicious activity?? * Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Would you like us to keep your name confidential? Note: Providing your contact information enables us to keep you updated with a reference number to track the progress of your TIP. Confidentiality as provided by law. Yes No Name * Even though we require certain information to verify your TIP, if you have requested information provided will be kept confidential, limited by law. First Name Last Name Phone * Country (###) ### #### Email * By submitting this form, you confirm that the information provided is true and accurate to the best of your knowledge. * Agreed Thank you! If you’ve given permission, we will contact you within (12) hours to discuss your TIP and provide you a reference number that will enable you to communicate with us and track progress and/or provide additional information. Step 1: Complete form below Step 2: We’ll contact you within (12) hours